Sunday 8 April 2012

A Glutton for Punishment

I'm a Star Wars fan. I think I'm fairly clued up on lots of the trivia in the movies, but by no means am I an expert. I know the basic stuff like which planet got blown up in Episode IV, the slightly more difficult stuff like listing all the people that have portrayed Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader in the movies and I even know some of the really obscure stuff like what was used to create the image of the Emperor in the 1980 release of the Empire strikes back.

But the area I really struggle with is names. I've scoured the net for some kind of character list by appearance with images but to no avail. Wookieepedia is great if you know what you're looking for but trying to search it for "the black droid with wheels and eyes on top and a red stripe" won't get you very far.

After a while I started to think ah... crap... I'm gonna have to do this myself! Which brings me to this. A blog. Very simple to update and hopefully navigate. I'm using the 2004 UK DVD release of Return of the Jedi. Not everyones favorite film, I know, but as a child it was my entry point into a larger world and as such holds a special place.

Each scene will have screen caps taken at various points and each character in the screen cap will be assigned a name. Don't worry I will not be making up any names, they will all come from official Lucasfilm or Wookieepedia sources. Any names that I don't know will be be labelled as "UNIDENTIFIED REBEL PILOT" for example. There will be a comment section under each post to allow readers to fill in the gaps (relevant sources please, to try and keep this accurate.) I hope this can become a resource for other fans looking for the same sort of information.

As this is the 2004 version of the film, special edition characters had been added to the film and characters like Sy Snootles had been altered or removed. I am happy to include previous incarations of characters but I will need other users to provide a screenshot.

And for those of you wondering, the answers to the above questions are:
1. Alderaan. 2. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christiansen, Christian Simpson, David Prowse, Bob Anderson, Sebastian Shaw, James Earl Jones, Andrew Nelson. 3. A womans face with monkeys eyes.

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